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Can you legally visit Chernobyl?

It is only possible to visit the Exclusion Zone with an official Chernobyl guide. Visitors to Chernobyl are scanned on entering and leaving the Exclusion Zone to check radiation levels.

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Sedan, can you walk around chernobyl?

That restricted land, known as the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, now extends 1,000 square miles. It's illegal to live there (though a few families have defied the law by moving back), and off-limits to visitors under age 18. What was worse Chernobyl or Fukushima? Chernobyl had a higher death toll than Fukushima. While evaluating the human cost of a nuclear disaster is a difficult task, the scientific consensus is that Chernobyl outranks its counterparts as the most damaging nuclear accident the world has ever seen.

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Lethality. At the time of its discovery, about eight months after formation, radioactivity near the Elephant's Foot was approximately 8,000 roentgens, or 80 grays per hour, delivering a 50/50 lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays) within five minutes.

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